Vampires. Witches. The Apocalypse. Young adult fiction has been long known as a rapidly growing publishing category and with an increasing number of young adult publications, it can be hard to get your work noticed. Here are some tips on how young adult fiction writers can get their work noticed:

1. As an author, make sure you have an active online presence. Readers want to know you. Therefore, it is imperative that you promote yourself with an active online presence.
2. Get creative with your marketing campaign; teens want to have fun. Use social media to preview and garner excitement about your publication. Have readers “like” to get a chapter preview; it involves the reader and alleviates your workload.
3. As a money-saving alternative to traditional book tours, try doing video chats instead. They are becoming increasingly popular and effective at book festivals, clubs and libraries. No travel necessary.
4. Use your surrounding community. Connect with fellow authors and groups related to your genre. Cross-pollination accumulates interest for all authors involved. Also consider partnering with interest groups that may have a similar message.
5. Finally, never forget the importance of the methods we have always employed. Traditional book tours and reading events are still some of the most effective mediums for marketing, and word of mouth is still the ultimate way to sell your book.

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