☐ Hone your online brand •Step one in book publicity is branding, and yet so many authors miss it. Do not proceed to the steps below until you have established your online platform. •A publicist is essential in helping you develop and streamline your message and brand. Work together to come up with the best ..

Who is into books? Generation Y. Generation Y, those born between 1979 and 1989, spent the most money on books in 2011, taking over long-held book-buying leadership from Baby Boomers. That’s according to the 2012 U.S. Book Consumer Demographics and Buying Behaviors Annual Review, the publishing industry’s only complete consumer-based report integrating channel, motivation and ..

When should I begin a publicity campaign? The ideal time to begin a publicity campaign is 2-3 months prior to a book’s publication unless you need galleys mailed out, in which case, that should be done 4 months prior to publication date). This schedule allows enough time to write press materials, edit materials, build media ..