When we met Judy Gann and learned more about her site, Library Insider, a tool to assist authors in reaching the public library market, we wanted her to share her knowledge with the rest of our world. Today we have a guest post from Judy, giving us the inside scoop on promoting to public libraries. ..

Now is the time if you are a toy company to begin planning in earnest for Toy Fair 2013. More than 1,000 reporters, editors, photographers and bloggers from Manhattan to Moscow are on‐site at Toy Fair each year to report on hot new toys and the latest trends for kids. Thousands of articles and broadcast ..
☐ Hone your online brand •Step one in book publicity is branding, and yet so many authors miss it. Do not proceed to the steps below until you have established your online platform. •A publicist is essential in helping you develop and streamline your message and brand. Work together to come up with the best ..
Just as advertisers try to “pitch” consumers a message they hope will resonate, public relations professionals pitch journalists with suggestions for stories, on behalf of their clients. But not all pitches are created equal, and it helps to understand what circumstances create the most favorable conditions for eventual media exposure. For our purposes, let’s assume ..
Be an “expert” for the media You’ve seen the stories, where someone in your industry is quoted about something new in your field. It makes them sound like an expert – and it is great free advertising. If you want to explore that, perhaps the quickest way to establish yourself as an expert for reporters ..
Why do online press releases if you’re an author? First, press releases are proven. And they’ll always be relevant. No matter what happens with social media. As proof, look no further than how established companies utilize releases. And how search engines like Google continues to rank them highly despite all the recent algorithmic upheaval. The ..
If anyone can sympathize with Mitt Romney’s public relations woes it is the National Football League. One of America’s favorite past times and traditions has become a symbol of corporate greed and intransigence to many fans. Even now a week after a botched call by a temp referee in the Seattle Seahawks/Green Bay Packers game ..
What should businesses be paying attention to on their Facebook pages? Unlikes and unsubscribes. Sure, it’s normal to have a certain number of daily unlikes, though spikes and an upward trajectory could be telling you something about the publishing strategy that you’re not seeing in the overview section of Facebook’s insights page. By knowing the ..
This blog post is for all you authors out there who are self-publishing, now or in the future! Let’s start with the big picture. There is a reason why it takes so long for the publishing process to roll out with publishing houses. It’s not unusual for there to be an 18-month window (or longer) ..
Publishers, faced with shrinking book promotion budgets, are more excited than ever about telling authors to promote their own books online. By online book promotion, publishers often mean social networking. They use the phrases interchangeably. The reason publishers are particularly excited about online book promotion is that, in their opinion, they don’t have to get ..