How To Maximize Success For Your PR Program

Strategic Vision has worked with hundreds of companies over the years, and we have seen how some programs, processes and relationships are more productive than others. There are five behaviors that make a big difference in achieving results that will make your management team proud. 1. Set realistic expectations – whether they are written down ..

What can public sector agencies learn from businesses when they consider their own brands?

Major retail companies understand the link between their brand identities and their corporate success. That’s why companies like Nike, Walmart, Volvo, and Coca Cola are so protective of their brands. They have a compact with their customers and continued success depends on fulfilling their brand promise by delivering a consistent brand experience. The same is ..

Mastering The Soundbite

“People don’t really watch television. They listen to it.” It was Jack Faris, former president of the National Federation of Independent Business and chief fundraiser for the Republican National Committee during Ronald Reagan’s ultimate rise, who first gave me this lasting lesson on the art of the sound bite. “People don’t really watch television. They ..

PR Advice For The Tea Party and Republicans

The media has been filled with the bad public relations that Obama Administration has been suffering from a trio of investigations and scandals – Benghazi, Associated Press and the IRS investigations of Tea Party groups. Every day, Jay Carney, the White House Press Secretary seems more embattled as the IRS narrative changes. The media which ..

A big part of our work for clients is helping them crystallize their message, focusing it, stripping it down to the essentials. For a brand, that means articulating what you stand for and what customers can expect from a brand experience with you. Sometimes, people refer to this as having an “elevator speech.” Some people ..

Think Before Using An Iconic Image In Marketing

One of the big trends in advertising and public relations lately is to use iconic images and nostalgia. Yet Brands who plan to co-opt iconic American images should probably make sure they cast those images in a positive light. Swiffer learned that lesson the hard way when it injected Rosie the Riveter—who symbolized female empowerment ..

Communications Lessons From Margaret Thatcher

Margaret Thatcher left behind three keys in being a successful communicator whether you are business or politics: 1. Be Yourself When British politicians were struggling to appeal to their party base, Margaret Thatcher was comparing state finance to her household budget. People know when you are being real with them rather than just trying to ..

Techniques for Media Outreach

You can’t take short cuts when it comes to media outreach. Here are a few of the techniques our agency consistently emphasizes to deliver excellent media placements: •Research: You’ve got to know who you’re sending your pitches to and what they write about, so research, from past articles to Twitter feeds, is important. We don’t ..

Hispanic Marketing Is Essential To Companies

Spanish-language outreach is an essential component of public relations. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the Hispanic population increased 5 percent from 2000 to 2010, while the non-Hispanic population increased only 2 percent. Because the Hispanic population is fast-growing, relatively young and has larger households, they can potentially be more vital to future growth in ..