Google’s third quarter earnings report was released early. The report surprised investors not only because of its advanced arrival, but also because it showed lower profits than the same quarter last year. The information caused a frenzy among investors, and Google’s stock dropped by around nine percent. Google might have hoped to make headlines with ..

☐ Hone your online brand •Step one in book publicity is branding, and yet so many authors miss it. Do not proceed to the steps below until you have established your online platform. •A publicist is essential in helping you develop and streamline your message and brand. Work together to come up with the best ..

Last week it was announced that Newsweek will cease print publications. The last issue will be December 31st, 2012. The long-time competitor to TIME magazine was finally forced to make this major decision after losses in ad sales and circulation were too much to overcome. The digital era gives advertisers unlimited options and easy-to-track solutions ..

A key in public relations and marketing is finding the right balance of strategies and tactics dedicated to both consumer and enterprise audiences. This is a constant challenge for many consumer electronics brands, since both audiences present a sales opportunity. While some companies and brands have drawn a line in the sand and focused exclusively ..

The cultural mosaic of the United States has never been more intricate. Varied cultural groups — many in their second and third generation — continuously blending together, maintaining and discarding various aspects of their own heritage while adopting, adapting and integrating different aspects of the new one that surrounds them. U.S. Hispanics are no exception. ..

Just as advertisers try to “pitch” consumers a message they hope will resonate, public relations professionals pitch journalists with suggestions for stories, on behalf of their clients. But not all pitches are created equal, and it helps to understand what circumstances create the most favorable conditions for eventual media exposure. For our purposes, let’s assume ..

Every day, it becomes more important for businesses to have a strong Internet presence. No matter what business you’re running, having a good Google ranking gives it some very much-needed visibility. Understanding Google’s rankings can make or break a business’s web presence. These five concepts can help your business climb to the top of Google’s ..

It’s early October, and soon the ghouls and goblins, and yes, the Zombies, will be haunting neighborhoods across the country. Are you prepared if the Zombies attack your community? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is getting ready for their 2012 Disaster Preparedness Campaign. Last year, in an effort to attract new audiences ..

The mobile landscape continues to evolve rapidly and devices are delivering new services as quickly as consumers are demanding them. Brands have recognized this appetite for mobile and are investing in technologies that enable connections between consumers and the brand that are valuable and seamless. Starbucks, whose mobile app already processes over 1 million mobile ..